ah. daar zit die reply-knop dus. |
***You can’t make any noise above the 90 decibels, So welcome in the land of silence friends The Kids- Bloody Belgium*** |
***You can’t make any noise above the 90 decibels, So welcome in the land of silence friends The Kids- Bloody Belgium*** |
tssss in plaats van die arme man eruit te halen
( )
ah. daar zit die reply-knop dus. |
Vandaag een dagje zee gedaan. Langs de autosnelweg stond er een bord 'kust'. Een grapjurk heeft d'r 'kust ze' van gemaakt
En op de terugweg kwamen we een bord 'land van dWaas' tegen. Moet kunnen
ah. daar zit die reply-knop dus. |
WRC-prono 2009 kampioen |
Als de huis-allochtoon van het forum vind ik dat deze moet kunnen Mijn marokkaanse buurman wil zijn auto verkopen
Gallo, Iek bin Hossam-hussein AL kibr Iek hep een porsje uit jaar weet ik niet meer, boerman zegge jaar 2001. Hai ies nu te kop en iek vertel oe noe evien wat hai hep Aksesuar: liechtmetal velig ejirko ejirbek abeyes ram opin en diegt duren opin en diegt sutur bekrachtiging apk en tuv gekurt heyil zuinig auto ierste kilas alarim sitart onderbreyking arim suteun en mottor liegt agterien Auto ies hartsjtiekki goed zegt main boerman. Als jij porsje wiel, kaijk foto heieronder. ls gut dan jij mij belle.
Confidentiality Notice: This communication and any accompanying attachments contain confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose. This communication is private and protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby respectfully notified that any disclosures, copying, forwarding or distribution, or the taking of any action based on the contents of this communication is strictly prohibited. |
De redenen waarom vrijdag de 13de een ongeluksdag is
de nieuwste msn versie in china ... Last edited by PorscheGT; 30-07-2003 at 23:50. |
paar lollige dingen uit de dilbert newsletter:
I received a junk mail item today with the subject title: "You too can have Perfect Skin - Free Sample." At the end of last semester, a fellow student complained about how he failed the English course. The teacher invited him to write a formal letter of complaint to the principal. I glanced at his letter to see how it was going. His first sentence read, "Dear Principal, it is infair and unpossible that I failed english." My brother works for the Government of Transport in Belgium, and was hired 6 years ago. He finished the job he was hired for 5 years ago... and they failed to find him something else to do. So now he basically does nothing all day and receives a pretty good paycheck. In fact, a couple of months ago he got called by his boss because they found out he used the Internet too much, and the boss said, "I don't even know who you are, and I don't care, but you don't seem to have a real job around here. Could you just use the internet a little less?" My old English teacher planned to give us a test, but we finally convinced her it would be more educational to watch a movie version of a book instead. So she got the video, but she couldn't get the DVD player to work. So we told her maybe it's cold. She sent for the technician to get her a hairdryer and used it on the video player. This went on long enough for us to get a photo of her blow-drying the video. It never did play.
***You can’t make any noise above the 90 decibels, So welcome in the land of silence friends The Kids- Bloody Belgium*** |
***You can’t make any noise above the 90 decibels, So welcome in the land of silence friends The Kids- Bloody Belgium*** |
ah. daar zit die reply-knop dus. |
Whahahahaha. Losers Whahahahahaha
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